The EQP Global Close-Coupled Pump motor features multiple new design enhancements that make it one of the lowest cost-of-ownership products in the industry.

The W22 Close Coupled motor line was specifically developed for direct drive pumps, both in the JM and JP version.

They ensure maximum performance and robustness in a great variety of applications.

W01 is a rolled steel motor that is perfect for applications in environments with minimum dirt and humidity.

Fire Pump motors are for use on fire pumps installed per NFPA-20. All motors meet UL requirements (File # E481231) in open drip proof enclosures designed for relatively clean and dry environments. Foot mounted motors are available from stock in ratings of 10-300 Horsepower and close coupled pump designs are available from stock in rating of 10-100 Horsepower.

WEG Open Drip Proof motors are designed to meet demanding applications in environments where dirt and humidity are minimal.

Cast iron motor, for general application, developed to ensure maximum performance and reliability for fire pump application.

They ensure maximum performance in robustness in environments where dirt and humidity are minimal.

W40 is a platform of Open Drip Proof motors (ODP) designed for industrial application in order to have a compact and light solution for the customer.

50 & 40 HP, 3 Ph, 60 & 50 Hz, 230/460 & 190/380 V, 1800 & 1500 RPM, 326TS Frame, DP – LM80120

TEFC W22 Oil WELL Pump – Design D
These special motors have the high slip and high torque that oil well beam pumping units demand. W22 Design D motors are requested on specifications for most major oil companies around the world as a result of their long lasting performance, low purchase and maintenance cost.

ODP W40 Oil WELL Pump – Design D
These special motors have the high slip and high torque that oil well beam pumping units demand.

P-Base motors are suitable for dusty or moist environments and provide high starting torque, with high efficient performance.
All frames have cast iron construction and premium features to protect motor components from chemicals, corrosion and abrasives, extending motor life and improving performance.

Offering a solution for both wet and dry pit applications, the Baldor-Reliance® Submersible motors provide a proven solution for municipal and industrial wastewater operations as well as slurry pumps, aerators and mixers.
WET pit motors use the effluent for cooling and can run 15 minutes in air. DRY pit motors are sized to run continuously in air or submerged even at a depth of 200ft.
The Baldor-Reliance® Immersible motors are designed for use where the possibility of flooding exists. This motor features totally enclosed, blower-cooled enclosures and are designed with a unique sealing system. The system allows reliable operation for a period of two weeks while submerged under a maximum depth of thirty feet of water.