Load Centers
The main function of a load center (i.e., breaker box, fuse box) is to take electricity supplied by the utility and distribute it throughout the home to feed lights and receptacles. Eaton designs and manufactures load centers and circuit breakers that provide reliable power breaking and circuit protection.

Eaton’s CH 3/4-inch load centers enclose CH circuit breakers for power distribution and circuit protection in residential and light commercial applications. Also called a breaker box, electrical box or even a fuse box, the main function is to take electricity supplied by the utility and distribute it throughout the home to feed lights and receptacles. Covers are typically packaged separately and available as surface or flush mount.
CH breakers include an industry exclusive “trip to off” feature that allows a homeowner to easily identify a tripped circuit breaker.

Specially designed for easy installation, Eaton’s BR 1-inch load centers house the branch circuit breakers and the wiring required to distribute power to individual circuits. They serve as main breaker for service entrances or as main lug when adding circuits to existing service. The main breaker protects the entire panel and can be used as a service disconnect. The branch breakers protect the wires leading to individual electrical loads such as fixtures and outlets.
BR load centers feature slotted square combo screwheads, which means only one screwdriver is need for installation